Friday, February 27, 2009
As a follower of Christ you are commanded to build others up by highlighting what's good instead of magnifying what's bad, by seeing them as unique individuals instead of stereotypes, by respecting instead of ridiculing, by forgiving instead of shaming, by modeling unconditional love instead of love with strings attached, by applauding each step of growth instead of saying, "You'll never change," by seeing their God-given potential instead of seeing them as problems to be handled. Come on, get your theology off the drawing board and put it into practice! Today, be a "builder-upper."
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Are you truthful...
The most famous story about lying in American history is the one about George Washington chopping down a cherry tree. When his father asked him who did it, George supposedly said, "I cannot tell a lie; I did it with my little hatchet." That was in a biography written by Parson Weems in the nineteenth century - he made the whole story up. Incredibly, the most famous story about not lying in America, was a lie.
And truthfulness is still in short supply. Politicians spin promises, telemarketers scam the elderly, job seekers pad their résumés, repair shops inflate their bills, students steal essays from the internet to pass tests and spouses lie to each other about money and infidelity.
And truthfulness is still in short supply. Politicians spin promises, telemarketers scam the elderly, job seekers pad their résumés, repair shops inflate their bills, students steal essays from the internet to pass tests and spouses lie to each other about money and infidelity.
Good will come out of it...
Before World War II Josefina Guerrero was the toast of Manila, young, vivacious and married to a wealthy medical student. Then in 1941 she discovered she had leprosy. Immediately she began treatment, but when Japan invaded the Philippines all the leprosariums were abandoned. Despite her disease Joey joined the underground, smuggling food, clothes, medicine and messages to POW's. She mapped out fortifications along the waterfront and the location of anti-aircraft batteries. When guerillas discovered a newly-sown minefield where the 37th Division was scheduled to land in Manila, they asked her to get the message through. With little thought for her own life she trudged through miles of enemy encampments with the map taped to her back and delivered it safely. Because of her courage many dangerous missions were completed and the U.S. War Department awarded her the Medal of Freedom with silver palm for saving untold American lives. Amazingly, Joey was never caught. In fact, Japanese soldiers had a horror of the ragged little woman who shuffled through the streets of Manila. And even when she was stopped they didn't detain her long, once they recognized the swathed bandages and lesions of advancing leprosy.
Monday, February 23, 2009
In order to have a grateful heart you must learn to be grateful for flawed people and imperfect gifts. Be grateful when your child attempts to make the bed, even though they make it imperfectly. Be grateful when your spouse expresses affection, even if they do it awkwardly. Be grateful that your body still moves around, even if it's more wrinkled and lumpy.
Don't wait to feel thankful. The thinking and the doing - leads to the feeling. "Give thanks in all circumstances" calls for a decision and an act of your will, not an emotional response. It's why Americans call their annual holiday Thanksgiving - not thanks feeling.
Don't wait to feel thankful. The thinking and the doing - leads to the feeling. "Give thanks in all circumstances" calls for a decision and an act of your will, not an emotional response. It's why Americans call their annual holiday Thanksgiving - not thanks feeling.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Stress is brought on by our need to know everything ahead of time - to be in control. Even after we pray and supposedly turn the situation over to God, we develop a "backup plan" in case He doesn't handle things the way we think He should. Do you do that? You don't put your money into a bank then stay awake all night worrying about it, do you? Have at least that much confidence in God.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Michael Drosnin wrote a book about a man who wanted more wealth, so he built one of the biggest financial empires of his day. He wanted more pleasure, so he paid for the most glamorous women money could buy. He wanted more adventure, so he set air speed records, built and piloted the world's most unique aircraft. He wanted more power, so he acquired political clout that was the envy of senators. He wanted more glamour, so he owned film studios and courted stars. Drosnin tells how this man's life ended: "He was a figure of gothic power, ready for the grave. Emaciated, only 120 pounds stretched over his six-foot-four-inch frame...thin scraggly beard that reached its way onto his sunken chest, hideously long fingernails in grotesque yellow corkscrews...Many of his teeth were black, rotting stumps. A tumor was beginning to emerge from the side of his head...innumerable needle marks...Howard Hughes was an addict. A billionaire junkie."
Friday, February 6, 2009
If you lack contentment, remind yourself things could be worse. Snoopy was lying in his dog house one Thanksgiving Day, mumbling about being stuck with dog food while all those humans got to be inside with the turkey and gravy and pumpkin pie. "Of course, it could have been worse," he finally reflected, "I could have been born a turkey." Reminding yourself "It could be worse" can be a powerful developer of contentment.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Learning to be happy with less. A hard-charging executive decided to spend a few days in a monastery. "I hope your stay is a blessed one," said the monk who showed him to his cell. "If you need anything let us know. We'll teach you how to live without it." Happiness isn't getting what you want, it's enjoying what God's given you. Paul said he had learned to be content, "Whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Monday, February 2, 2009
Be more patient. A man who rode the ferry to work prided himself on his punctuality. But one day he overslept. Fearing he'd be in trouble with his boss, he raced to the dock only to see the boat six feet out from the terminal. Taking a leap, he landed on the deck. Smiling, the captain said, "Great jump! But if you'd waited another minute we'd have docked and you could've walked on." Don't be in such a hurry; give it a little time. "Patience...can...overcome any problem" (Pr 25:15 CEV).
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