Monday, March 8, 2010

Choose ye this day...

A television news announcer recently quipped, “Speaking of the economy, if it weren’t for bad news there’d be no news at all!” Each time we face a downturn we tend to forget we’ve “been there, done that” and got through it by God’s grace. Like ancient Israel we anticipate doom, spread discouragement, join those who gripe about the government, and long for “the good old days.” How does the God who brought water from the rock, manna from the sky and ravens to feed a hungry prophet expect His people to respond to tough financial times?

He expects us to choose who we will serve- the economy of the world or the economy of God. Choose God's economy! God rules and reigns, owns all resources and dispenses them generously to meet His people’s needs, independent of global economic conditions.. In God’s upside-down kingdom the rules are reversed. He says, “My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa 55:9 NIV).

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